
Here come the girls…

Hey you guys!

Running  your own business can be hard, it can be hard to juggle your daily life around your business or vice versa in some cases. But some business women manage to juggle both and sometimes more.

Meet my friend Chrissie, she started her business through the love of her craft.

She owns ‘The Chrissie White Shop’. Chrissie draws all of her designs and then prints them onto cushions and into gorgeous 30×30 cm prints that you can frame for your home. The detail in her work is incredible! I caught up with her and asked a few questions about starting a business and her inspirations. A little insight for those who are eager to start their own business.

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Can you tell us all a little about you?

 I’m a mum to three children age four and under. It’s really full on every day and finding a little time to draw, design prints and make handmade goods is where I can be me again.

What are your inspirations?

Fitting in work around the children can be tricky, a task that would take a few hours has to be broken up over the week and I never set myself deadlines. My youngest has just turned one so I’m slowly getting a bit more sleep and a little more time so I did the 1 Peter 5:7 print. It’s one of my favourite verses because the last year had some very difficult months, in my darkest moment I leaned on The Lord with every last bit of strength I had and just as I gave up the most awesome feeling of love gently and powerfully descended into my home, not only did he miraculously breathe everything right again but he filled my heart with the deepest joy that I can’t even begin to describe. So the verse really reminds us that Jesus cares, he’s interested in the details in our lives, we just need to hand it all over to him.

What advice you would give to others about starting a business?

 Getting a good balance with a creative business is important. I have always found that I have to sacrifice creative time for the admin /sales side of business. Being creative is really important to me so I always make sure I stay where I love and it’s usually its back to basics illustrating with a pen and paper. My prints are usually nature inspired. I love taking basic outlines and making them ornate.

Her work is truly amazing and I have my eye on those black and white cushions! You can find Chrissie on:



If you are thinking of turning your own craft into a business check out they have a whole section on how to get started and some awesome tips!


(photographs are my own)