
Ditching The Gym

As part of my student posts this week,  I will be showing you some great You Tube channels that you can use to workout at home!

Gyms are so expensive these days, and it may be only be me but working out in front of an entire gym can be a little daunting.

Not to fear, there are some amazing workout classes that are available to watch in your own home!


This channel started in 2012, I didn’t discover it until 2015 😦 But the good thing there is 3 years worth of videos! I personally use this every day. They have several categories to choose from, upper body, legs, core workouts, Victoria Secret workouts and my favourite, celebrity workouts!

The videos only last an average of 15 minutes, I normally split my days up into core, legs and arms. They are really fun and the trainers are incredible



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Check them out here!

Bad Yogi by Erin Motz 

The You Tube channel started in 2013, I’m not sure if it was available before then. I was searching for something new one day and came across a 30 day yoga challenge. I do love a challenge and yoga was new. Lets just say I really got into this. I got myself a yoga mat and yoga tights. My partner found this all a little amusing, especially watching me trying to do it lol

This is what they call the yoga creed, basically what Bad Yogi is all about 🙂

The Bad Yogi Creed

– Bad Yogis don’t do yoga to be a part of the cool crowd.

– Bad Yogis don’t need to be able to do difficult poses perfectly or have their own Instagram hashtag.

– Bad Yogis understand that yoga is about feeling good, not just looking good.

– Bad Yogis are real people, not impossibly fit, flexible, and flashy representations of yogi stereotypes.

– Bad Yogis aren’t in it for the image or for the status, but because it’s theirs.

– Bad Yogis don’t let any predetermined doctrine define their practice, and they don’t adopt some rigid set of “rules” just for the sake of having some.

– Bad Yogis define their own practice.

– Bad Yogis aren’t conceited and self-righteous about “their” style.

– Bad Yogis are inclusive and everyone is welcome, whether they are fat or thin or new or seasoned. It doesn’t matter if they see yoga the same way you do, but they’re welcome any way.

I will say one thing after my 5th day on the challenge I felt incredible. I felt so much better about my self and body. I started eating properly and drinking more water. It really really made a difference and is so relaxing and fun to do!

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So why not get your laptop out, get a pair of leggings on and have a relaxed workout session in your own home!

Keep me posted, let me know how these channels worked for you, post your pictures, your thoughts or any questions below 🙂


Becoming An HNC Student

Hey everyone 🙂 

So this week has been a whirlwind. I have recently been accepted to go back to college and do my HNC in Travel and Tourism. I was so nervous in my interview and was so worried about the tests. But all the hard work paid off and my lucky angel pendant seems to still have some luck in it!

I have been thinking a lot about going back, what should I wear on my first day? how many notebooks is too much? Silly things really lol

So I thought this week I will dedicate my blog posts to being a student.

7 days, 7 posts, 7 awesome student tips!  

         Tutorials, hairstyles, fashion, freebies and playlists!

Term starts in August everyone!



