
Cloudberry Living Haul!

I recently won a £100 voucher to spend online at Cloudberry Living. I was so excited to win this, my partner and I have been talking about getting our own little place for so long. Winning this voucher has pushed us in the right direction, we have decided to move in together in a year or so and we thought what better way to start than to to get free things for our house!

The first thing we got, this one will sound so silly to most people but my boyfriend loves glasses and jars he has a strange obsession with them lol. So he picked out this gorgeous water carafe’, I think its lovely, in my mind I thought it would look amazing when we have our first guests over. Eek!


Next we both choose these tumblers, my boyfriends family are all about whiskey and since living with them , I have to say I have grown rather fond of it myself. With these we decided that they would only be taken out for a very special occasion, being that they are £25 for 2 and if anyone broke one I would freak lol



This one was my choice, how cute are these? They are called love birds cups and I just cant get enough of them, they are so pretty and I love the oak stopper to keep your drink hot, I can only drink boiling hot tea, so this one is my favourite.



Finally we picked this, we wont be having kids for a while but we just loved this and we wanted to keep it really nice and give it to our son or daughter when the day came.


Phew who knew spending £100 could be so easy and so fast! I am so happy that I won this and I want to say thank you to Cloudberry and dont cramp my style for the opportunity. With all this luck floating around I am off to enter more!