
Eurovision Madness!

Hey you guys!

Another year has gone, lots of events, lots of dreams accomplished and now we all preparing for the most important time of the year… yes I am talking about…


(awesome fist pump!)

Crazy as sounds and though a few of us wont admit it, it is a guilty pleasure of millions!

I like to look at it as many beautiful countries coming together, singing, dancing and just having a good time. I love how one show can make us all closer and really appreciate the importance of fashion!

Yes we have all experienced a bad hair day, we have all experienced that moment when you look back at a picture and think OMG what was I thinking! But with Eurovision it is a moment, once a year where we can embrace the “what was I thinking moments” and really show the world how fashion forward we are lol

So come with me as we take a little walk down memory lane….


Ukraine went for the Zena Warrior Princess look back in 2004, not my cup of tea, although if I was a cast member of Game of Thrones I would be more than happy to wear this lol


In 2007 United Kingdom entry Scooch rocked out as sexy flight attendants and I have to be honest I LOVED THESE OUTFITS! Maybe more the girls than the boys but when I was a travel agent I loved wearing my uniform, it made me feel so cool. Scooch I support you! lol


Ah Javine! The only thing I remember from this performance in 2005 was this bad outfit choice and her wardrobe malfunction. To be fair the song wasn’t too bad but this is a fashion post and Javine, am sorry but this just doesn’t work!


Back to 2015 now guys and this year is set to be the best one yet! So get your friends round, some popcorn and makeshift score sheets! 🙂

I shall now leave you with our very own entry from the UK, I would love to hear which country your backing and who you think will win! Get in touch by sending in your comments 🙂
